Thursday, June 28, 2007


As most of you are undoubtedly aware, the Supreme Court today handed down an opinion of great importance; indeed, it was the opinion I had been most eagerly anticipating the entire term. The case dealt public schools and the use of race in school assignment. The result was worse than anticipated, though not as bad as feared.

Here at A CiviL Union, we promise that every time the Supreme Court reverses course on over half a century of solid jurisprudence on race, we'll mention it.

It occurs to me that I intend to do far more mentioning than is reasonable for a single post, so I've decided to divide my commentary into several post. For those who want to follow along at home, I recommend reading the opinions here (as I am about to do).

Tomorrow night, look for an outline of the arguments of each of the opinions. This weekend, look for an analysis of what this all means.

[Edit: The "tomorrow night" estimate may have been a touch unrealistic. At 10:20pm (2.5 hours later) I've only read and outlined the majority/plurality opinion. The outlines - which will be as objective and fair as possible - will be posted just as soon as I have them all prepared]

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